K-8 Math Instructional Coach, and co-host of the Instant Relevance Podcast, Raymond Steinmetz shares his journey to blended learning, the failures he’s overcome along the way, and why he’s proud to say, “I’m a teacher.” Raymond reminds us to always remember the reason we’re here; for the students, and explains why he sees every school year as an opportunity to be … Read More
Live Webinar with ISTE New England – The Grid Method: Mastery-Learning System
Interested in mastery-learning? Chad Ostrowski (@chadostriwski) shares The Grid Method – Mastery-Learning System, which we have spent the past several years sharing with teachers across the country. This webinar will give you an overview of the system, its components, and what it could look like in your classroom. Video Highlights The key components of The Grid Method. The reasons Chad … Read More
How to Master Personalized Learning
Personalized learning doesn’t have to be scary. Personalized learning is a phrase that’s going around education and spreading like wild fire. At first thought, it sounds amazing. Being able to provide every student with what they need, when they need it based on their interests and abilities, would be AWESOME! However, when we try to figure out how to make … Read More