Keep Learning

Erin HealeyBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better

TL;DR: As an educator, professional learning is an essential part of our career. Keep learning with professional development options such as engaging on social media and subscribing to blogs and podcasts. You can also keep learning with paid professional development options. Examples include becoming a member of a professional organization, attending conferences, or taking additional classes. In our last blog … Read More

5 Out of the Box Ways to Engage TEACHERS in Professional Development

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Professional Development

In This Post: As a Student Learning Coach, providing meaningful professional development for my teachers is so important. There are 5 out of the box ways to engage teachers in PD. What better way to guide discussions than by leading with the students? Inviting students in and having teachers watch drives engagement. Google Classroom isn’t limited to your class, it … Read More