Episode 193-Tim Stephenson joins Lasting Learning for an “out of this world” conversation

Dave SchmittouLasting Learning Podcast

Tim is an astronomy teacher from British Columbia, Canada, teaching kids about the universe and their place in this world. Follow Tim on Twitter: @astrostephenson Check out Tim’s website at: https://astrostephenson11.wixsite.com/beyond-the-sky Check out Tim’s books at: https://www.amazon.ca/Beyond-Classroom-Tim-Stephenson/dp/B093WBRC8T/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=beyond+the+classroom&qid=1628267404&sr=8-1   MORE EPISODES

AWC Episode #65: Observer vs. Guest

Jennifer AppelBlog

In this episode, Jennifer and Hans break down the difference between a classroom observer and classroom guest.  Later, Hans shares a few elements of his favorite classroom visits.   Listen on your favorite podcast platform! More Episodes

Season 5, Episode 5: Interview with Chuck Moss

Charles WilliamsThe Counter Narrative Podcast

Welcome to the Counter Narrative Podcast, a show designed to change the way we talk, and think, about education. By sharing stories of successes and triumphs, we aim to challenge the dominant narrative that often negatively portrays our disenfranchised populations. I’m your host, Charles Williams. An urban educator for more than 15 years, a current school principal in Chicago, an … Read More

Season 5, Episode 3: Interview with Darrin Peppard

Charles WilliamsThe Counter Narrative Podcast

Welcome to the Counter Narrative Podcast, a show designed to change the way we talk, and think, about education. By sharing stories of successes and triumphs, we aim to challenge the dominant narrative that often negatively portrays our disenfranchised populations. I’m your host, Charles Williams. An urban educator for more than 15 years, a current school principal in Chicago, an … Read More