Love Yourself Better Blog Series

Kari PitstickBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better, Self Care Better

Love Yourself Better Blog Series In this blog series, read about strategies for personal development, prioritizing yourself, and embracing stress. Being our best selves and filling our own cups should come first. In a profession where we are asked to give so much to others, don’t forget to prioritize yourself. Love yourself a little bit better this year! Posts in … Read More

Personal Development: The Other PD

Megan BaldufBlog, Reflect Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: Professional development is amazing but so is taking time for personal development. Find something you enjoy that helps you grow personally. Don’t feel guilty for regularly making time for yourself. I have a not-so-dirty, not-at-all-secret little secret. I love professional development! Summer means time for reading all the PD books I bought but couldn’t get to during the school … Read More

One Thing: Prioritize Yourself

Robin ShrumBlog, Reflect Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: Make yourself a priority. Find ONE THING you can do for yourself every day. The new year has started. And if you are anything like me, you’ve made a resolution and are excited and focused on it! All too often though, we lose sight of those resolutions—our goals—and let the busyness of our lives get in the way. Sound … Read More

Embrace Stress. Live a Longer & Happier Life!

Teach Better TeamBlog, Reflect Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: Fighting our stress can oftentimes create more stress. Embrace your stress and use it to help you grow. Recently, I had what I think was a panic attack. I was visiting my new chiropractor for the first time. I was running late and overdressed for the weather. By the time I got into the office, I felt like I … Read More