The Reluctant Leader: The Case for Intervention

Julie SallerBlog, Lead Better, Manage Better

TL;DR: Attempts to use a common WIN period for intervention were overwhelming due to the sheer number of students who needed help. After brainstorming with a colleague and involving administrators, a new initiative for a Math Intervention WIN was proposed and implemented, eventually leading to the creation of full-time Math Interventionist positions to better support struggling students. The Case for … Read More

Episode 88: Clearing Out the Adult Problems with Beth Napleton

Darrin PeppardLeaning Into Leadership

Beth Napleton, a certified Gallup Strengths Finder coach, joins me on the show this week to talk deeply about leaning into our strengths. We also discuss one of the biggest challenges leaders can face; managing adult behaviors and repairing the problems right at the breaking point. Beth Napleton joins me on the show this week to talk about one of … Read More

The Curse of Mount Rushmore

Steven WeberBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: People in education can sometimes lose touch with what is most important. Remember who you are and why you went into the profession. Above all, stay true to your mission. Each year, new teachers, administrators, and superintendents are hired.  School districts across the United States put their faith in individuals and hope they will support the students and staff … Read More