William Illingworth chats with us about engaging in the hard topics, admitting when you fail, and the power of finding a moment to reflect. William talks about how he is like a 3rd party reflection point, and shares a personal story of why we need to celebrate everything. More at www.teachbetter.com/podcast/williamillingworth Episode Highlights 0:58 – Chatting about the new book … Read More
Reflecting on #TeachBetter19
In This Post: A reflection on the first and very successful #TeachBetter19 conference. Jeff’s personal highlights from putting on this incredible event. I’ve been seeing all these posts reflecting on the Teach Better Conference, #TeachBetter19. They’ve been enjoyable to read. No…I have reveled in them. They have reminded me again and again of what we were able to create. It’s … Read More
121: Enjoy the day. – Allyson Apsey chats with us about navigating the challenges and joys of being an educator, being yourself, and making the decision to enjoy the day.
Allyson Apsey chats with us about navigating the challenges and joys of being an educator, being yourself, and making the decision to enjoy the day. Allyson shares why we need to value what our students value, not being afraid to ask questions, and how loving kids is a prerequisite for teaching. Episode Highlights 1:34 – Discussing the November #TeachBetter … Read More
119: Connected, reflective, and unrelenting. – Bryon Carpenter shares why you need to connect with others outside your space, how to always be reflective, and why every obstacles is an opportunity waiting to happen.
11 year veteran teacher, Bryon Carpenter, chats with is about being unrelenting, connecting with others, and making it your own. Bryon shares why you need to connect with others outside your space, how to always be reflective, and why every obstacles is an opportunity waiting to happen. Episode Highlights 2:03 – 3 things you can do right now to be … Read More
118: Listen. Reflect. Personalize. – Charles Randolph and Steve Jones chat with us about listening to your students, putting your ego aside, and personalizing learning for everyone.
ISTE STEM Co-Chairs, Charles Randolph and Steven Jones, chat with us about listening to your students, putting your ego aside, and personalizing learning for everyone. We talk about connecting content to real world solutions, exploring artificial intelligence, and the rise of esports. More at www.teachbetter.com/podcast/charlesrandolph-stevenjones Episode Highlights 0:35 – Shoutout to Marcela for Rae’s descriptive word for Jeff! 1:22 – … Read More