In This Post: For our most anxious students summer break doesn’t come with the degree of excitement educators might expect. Summer break can be a time of uncertainty, fear, and less regimented time; all triggers of anxiety. Encouraging journaling, offering manipulatives, introducing students to volunteerism, and allowing them to move, are just a few ways we can help our students … Read More
Setting the Bar – 3 Tips to Help Our Students Meet and Exceed Our Expectations
In This Post: Everyone is happy when those expectations are met and we LOVE it when our students exceed our expectations! If we are working daily to offer our students opportunities to meet these expectations the vast majority will, at a minimum, meet them. By setting the bar high, being consistent, and offering our students feedback on their progress, we … Read More
30 Things I Learned [About Teaching] Before Turning 30
If Taylor Swift did it, why can’t I? Turning 30 is weird for me, mainly because everyone says it’s great, but I loved my 20s SO much that it’s hard to imagine better! It’s the time I got my dream job…and in that same decade have been referred to as a veteran teacher. I’ve worked with many students in so … Read More
Creating a Rockin’ Classroom Environment
In This Post: Creating a rockin’ classroom environment is about creating an environment students love walking into. Using music to create an experience for students can be power. Music calms us, creates focus, and inspires us. Which teacher’s class did you anticipate and love walking into everyday? For me, it was my high school history teacher’s class. He always had … Read More
Creating Impactful PD for Teachers
In This Post: Developing impactful professional development takes careful and purposeful planning. Planning your PD sessions to encourage having fun, meet educators where they are, and start and end on time are key to success. Remember that being a learner can be stressful, don’t over plan, and utilize the expertise and experiences of those attending. Developing impactful professional development can … Read More