Creating Emotional Safety in the Classroom

Teach Better TeamBlog, Manage Better

In This Post: The five areas for creating emotional safety in your classroom. Detailed tips on how to meet the emotional needs of your students. One teacher’s experience creating an emotionally safe community for her students. In today’s world of active shooter drills and trauma-informed instruction, how do we create emotional safety in our classroom communities? I recently read Fostering … Read More

Modeling Technology Use for Our Students

Jeremy RinkelBlog, Lesson Plan Better, Tech Better

Modeling Technology Use for Our Students

In This Post: The problem with student technology use… and overuse. Tools to become more aware of technology use for students and adults. Alternatives to technology in the classroom and at home. Three ways to balance technology use in your and your students’ lives! I recently had a conversation with a student about technology use that went a little something … Read More

The Balance

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better

In this Post: Creating balance between structure and student freedom. Reflection from stepping back to facilitate and guide. The beauty of freeing yourself from constant classroom regulation! Back to School Reflection As I go back to school, I have been enjoying my reflection on the drastically different teaching experiences I am encountering. I have been thinking about what I am … Read More

Three Ways to Create a Safe and Peaceful Learning Environment

Jeremy RinkelBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better

In this Post : Teachers are competing against the fast-paced entertainment, gaming, videos and much more Music can be a great way to transition – try guitar music Provide options for students Sharing without judgement is essential What gets and keeps people’s attention at a rock concert? Loud music, mind-blowing guitar solos, and super stunning light shows. Upside down 360 … Read More