Using Words to Cultivate Classroom Community

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Manage Better

In This Post: The value of words to build classroom community. One activity to cultivate a meaningful, positive classroom community. The importance of keeping your classroom community strong. Words are powerful. Powerful in the way they are strung together to say something, in the tone and demeanor in which they sound or look, and in the way they can make … Read More

5 Benefits of EdCamp Professional Development

Whitney ChoateBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better

In This Post: An overview of professional development designed to empower educators: EdCamps! The four major benefits of EdCamp professional development. So much is changing in the way that we teach in our classrooms. Teachers are facilitators of learning rather than providing direct instruction all day, every day. Students are encouraged to follow their passions and learn other content and … Read More

Using TikTok to Build Relationships with Students

Jeremy RinkelBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better

In This Post: A brief overview of the new trend in social media: TikTok. Using popular social media to build relationships with students. Connecting popular social media to your content area. What is TikTok? TikTok? Have you heard of it? Do you remember the app While I never jumped into the world and I said TikTok was ridiculous, … Read More

Personalized Learning for Professional Development

Jacqueline GoodburnBlog, Professional Development, Tech Better

In This Post: Ways to improve your professional development days by including personalized teacher learning! The importance of useful, relevant professional development. Specific suggestions on how to include teacher voice and choice in professional learning. Professional development often becomes the running joke when teachers get together. They comment on how the speakers had great ideas, and then the speakers were … Read More

9 Tips for Mentoring

Whitney ChoateBlog, Innovate Better, Lead Better

In This Post: The importance of mentoring for both student teachers and first year teachers. Practical tips compiled from years of mentoring experience. Helpful ways to mentor new teachers and student teachers, based on mentee feedback! Mentoring is an art, much like teaching; there’s no other way to describe it. One must find a way to hone in on their … Read More