Teacher Observations and Evaluations This Year

Dana GoodierBlog, Lead Better

TL;DR: We need to consider how teacher observations and evaluations can look different this year since schools are hybrid or remote. There are benefits to visiting 500 classrooms in one year like building connections and informal observations. The purpose of teacher observations and evaluations is to promote teacher growth. The other day, I had a great conversation with Chris Dodge, … Read More

It starts with grace, but it doesn’t end there.

Dave SchmittouBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better

Neither judgment nor grace requires knowing the full story. Empathy does. Focus on an empathetic lens, but know that empathy requires taking action. Empathy involves accountability; it involves expectations, but it also involves support, growth, reflection, and requires a relationship. Before you start reading this looking for answers to problems or solutions to struggles, let me be very honest with … Read More

It’s Grow Time

Suzanne DaileyBlog, Self Care Better

TL;DR: Educators are dealing with adversity and challenges like never before. After dealing with trauma, there is an opportunity for educators to grow. This challenging time can lead to positive, long-term changes in education. Our educational journey during this time is compared to the transformation of a seed to a tree. Finish the sentence: post-traumatic ____. Did you say stress … Read More

The Comparison Trap: Changing the Negative to a Positive

Maggie GiffordBlog, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Don’t get caught in the comparison trap; there is often a lot behind the scenes that we don’t always see. Use comparison to fuel your classroom, not destroy it. Changing the negatives to positives by comparing only your work, considering the circumstances, and changing only to make improvements. In the age of social media, it’s easier than ever to … Read More

Reflect Better: My Great Driving Passion

Tim StephensonBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Introduction to a new series: Reflect Better. Reflect on your practices by focusing on the why, considering where you started, and valuing relationships. Reflecting can help inspire greatness and lead to personal growth. In the years between 1994 and 1997, I began listening to some powerful content.  I think it was my mother who got me onto these audiotapes; … Read More