Milestones | Garnet Hillman | Engineering Conversations

Tom SchimmerThe Tom Schimmer Podcast

In Don’t @ Me (2:41), Tom opens this week with some thoughts about reaching milestones as the podcast hits its 50th episode. Then, Tom is joined by friend, colleague, and co-author Garnet Hillman (12:30) for a conversation about assessment and grading.  Finally, in Assessment Corner (47:36), Tom focuses on engineering classroom conversations as a way to elicit formative assessment evidence. … Read More

Grades, Feedback, and Assessments

Kristen KoppersBlog, Grade Better, Personalize Student Learning Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: The focus in school is frequently on the grades received rather than the skills obtained. Feedback and the improvement of skills should be valued more. We all need to work together to create this change. In 2015, I attended the “What Great Educators Do Differently” conference with my colleague in education and best friend. I attended a session by … Read More

Machinery of Achievement | Pav Wander | Acceptable Alternatives

Tom SchimmerThe Tom Schimmer Podcast

In Don’t @ Me (3:48), Tom opens this week with a reminder that educators have more influence and control over the machinery of student achievement than some might think. Then, Tom is joined by teacher and podcast co-host Pav Wander (17:43) for a conversation about teacher-voice.  Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:00:30), Tom focuses on the importance of acceptable alternatives in … Read More

Disproving the Theory | Phyllis Fagell | The Allure of Quick

Tom SchimmerThe Tom Schimmer Podcast

In Don’t @ Me (1:36), Tom opens with a rant about student accountability and how so many, on a daily basis, disprove the theories they assert. Then, Tom is joined by LCPC, psychotherapist, and author Phyllis Fagell (12:57) for a discussion about the teacher-family dynamic and the uniqueness of middle-level learners. Finally, in Assessment Corner (45:07), Tom addresses a particular … Read More

Going Gradeless: A Book Study Reflection

Meghan HoseyBlog, Grade Better, Lesson Plan Better, Mastery Done Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: This post includes reflections on a book study of Going Gradeless: Shifting the Focus to Student Learning by Elise Burns and David Frangiosa. This book provided insights about how you can shift the focus from grades to student learning! Each member of the book study shares their biggest takeaways from the book. This past month I had the pleasure … Read More