The Power Of Blank Space

Steven WeberBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better

TL;DR: Blank Space is any area that provides learners with the opportunity to practice life skills such as creativity and critical thinking. Consider designing your classroom with intentional blank space to invite students to actively participate in their learning. Some strategies could include blank whiteboards mounted around the room, window markers, or goal setting space. Traditional Classroom Design On the … Read More

3 Common Flexible Seating Styles

Rae HughartBlog, Innovate Better, Manage Better


In This Post Flexible seating has become a highly talked about new style for updating your learning environment. There is no one-size-fits-all plan or style for flexible seating. Three common styles of flexible seating are: The Dabbler, The Safe Bet, and The Extreme Flexible Seating has been a commonly discussed idea within the past decade. However, each educator has seemed … Read More