#Mastery Chat Questions for Thursday, February 20th, 2020
Topic: Social Emotional Learning
Moderator: Scott Nunes (@MrNunesteach)
(8:00 ET) Intro/Welcome: Welcome to #masterychat. Introduce yourself and let us know where you’re from and what you teach.
(8:05 ET) Q1 What does #SEL (Social Emotional Learning) mean to you? #MasteryChat
(8:10 ET) Q2 How do you employ #SEL and #agency into your instructional practices? #MasteryChat
(8:20 ET) Q3 What are some #edtech tools that assist in amplifying #SEL, and how do you use it? #MasteryChat
(8:30 ET) Q4 As the frequency of tech use continues to increase, how do you employ proper #digcit (digital citizenship) to foster social awareness and regulate self-management? #MasteryChat
(8:40 ET) Q5 Why incorporate #SEL in #education? #MasteryChat
(8:45 ET) Q6 It has been said that #SEL intentionally cultivates a caring, participatory, and equitable learning environment. Which evidence-based practices do you use that actively involve all students in their social, emotional, and academic growth #MasteryChat
(8:50 ET) Q7 Please share someone that has inspired you to do more with #SEL. #MasteryChat