Reflecting on #TeachBetter19

Jeff GargasBlog, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Teacherpreneur Better

In This Post: A reflection on the first and very successful #TeachBetter19 conference. Jeff’s personal highlights from putting on this incredible event. I’ve been seeing all these posts reflecting on the Teach Better Conference, #TeachBetter19. They’ve been enjoyable to read. No…I have reveled in them. They have reminded me again and again of what we were able to create. It’s … Read More

8 Tips for the Part-Time Teacherpreneur

Jeff GargasBlog, Innovate Better, Teacherpreneur Better

8 Tips For The Part-Time Teacherpreneur

Being a teacherpreneur can be exciting, scary, and nerve-racking all at the same time. Building something from scratch can take some time. As a teacher, your passion is in the classroom, which means you’ll most likely start off as what we call a sidepreneur, or someone who is an entrepreneur “on the side”, meaning on the side of their full-time … Read More

Getting Started with Twitter Chats for Teachers

Jeff GargasBlog, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Mastery Done Better, MasteryChat Resources, Start Here, Teacherpreneur Better

Getting Started with Twitter Chats for Teachers

Are you missing out on Twitter chats for teachers? With over 500 million tweets being sent every day, it’s no wonder Twitter is quickly becoming a favorite hangout spot for educators all over the world. Wait…what? I thought Twitter was just for the kids..or the Kardashians… A lot of people have a very misconstrued view of Twitter. While yes, there … Read More

3 Benefits of Being A Teacherpreneur

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Innovate Better, Teacherpreneur Better

3 Benefits of Being A Teacherpreneur

A teacherpreneur? What’s that? Ok…this is actually a term that has been growing over the past few years, so you may have heard of it. If you haven’t, a “teacherpreneur” is an educator who uses their talents and business savvy to share their work, passion, and philosophy with others. (You can read more about them here) This could be something … Read More