How Aligned Content Can Boost Student Success

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Engage Better, Grade Better, Lesson Plan Better

Education is like a complex puzzle, and one of the most important pieces is ensuring that what students learn in the classroom actually aligns with the goals and standards set by schools, districts, and states. This is where aligning our content comes into play. When I say “aligning content” what I mean is creating consistency between curriculum objectives, teaching strategies, … Read More

Why Black History Belongs in Every Classroom All Year

Suzanne RogersBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Personalize Student Learning Better

Why Black History Belongs in Every Classroom Year-Round Despite Black individuals’ profound contributions and enduring legacies throughout history, the full breadth of Black experiences remains underrepresented in many school curricula. This gap denies students a comprehensive education and hinders the opportunity to foster a more inclusive and informed society. To address this disparity, educators must champion the integration of Black … Read More

Do Kindergarten Crafts Really Make a Difference?

Faigie KobreBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Teach Happier

Traditional, copycat crafts have long been the norm in most early childhood classrooms and kindergarten classrooms, despite not having any educational or developmental theories to support them. What can be wrong with these adorable, sometimes intricate projects that have have been sent home from preschool and kindergarten classrooms for as long as any of us can remember? Meeting students where … Read More

5 Benefits of Progressive Instruction for Modern Classrooms

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Mastery Done Better

TL;DR: Progressive instruction fosters student-centered learning, critical thinking, and adaptability. Key benefits include active learning, personalized approaches, collaboration, lifelong habits, and dynamic classrooms. Using frameworks like The Grid Method can make implementing these strategies manageable and effective. Education is evolving, and so are the methods we use to teach and engage students. One of the most impactful approaches that is … Read More