TL;DR: Book bans pose challenges for teachers, requiring them to navigate policies and laws while balancing their responsibilities to students. Teachers should familiarize themselves with school policies and relevant laws to understand their options and responsibilities when facing a book ban. Staying informed about current events and book ban developments, preparing alternative materials, advocating for students, and using book bans … Read More
Connecting While Walking and Working
TL;DR: The WALK acronym (Wonder, Assist, Learn, Kindness) provides guidance for enhancing connections while walking and working, particularly for educators. Connecting while walking and working creates opportunities for visibility, accessibility, recognition, and two-way communication, fostering positive interactions and learning experiences. Planning what to read or work on, being aware of how to walk courteously, and considering the use of tools … Read More
Mental Health Awareness: 3 Key Ways to Be There for Students
TL;DR: Students need to feel visible and cared for. Say “hi” to each student, by name, every day. Educators who do this will create a small, but tangible and meaningful reminder for students that they are visible and cared for. Cheer students on. As educators, we have a wonderful opportunity to show up, demonstrate our interest in them as people, … Read More
Lessons from a Convenience Store
TL;DR: Despite its average appearance, the convenience store chain Wawa in Southeastern PA has a unique ability to leave customers feeling happier after their visit. Intentional acts of kindness, such as holding the door for someone, have a positive impact on both the giver and the recipient, triggering the release of dopamine in the brain. Wawa intentionally keeps its doors … Read More
Co-Teach Better: Comrade In Arms
TL;DR: The end of the school year can be chaotic, but it’s also an excellent opportunity to foster camaraderie in co-teaching relationships. Co-teachers should find authentic ways to showcase their unique personalities as a team, whether through matching outfits or shared actions based on common interests. Strategies for building camaraderie include leveraging commonalities for positive shared actions, demonstrating positive interactions … Read More