TL;DR: Celebrating is like a skill that gets easier with practice. Start by teaching students why and how we celebrate as a class by keeping a list of celebrations to share publicly each day or privately through a weekly personal journal. Celebrate students by sharing messages via email, communication apps like SeeSaw, Post-it notes, or on desks with dry-erase markers. … Read More
Back to Basics with Co-Teaching: Methods and Conflicts
TL;DR: Models of co-teaching include station teaching, parallel teaching, alternative teaching, and team teaching. Conflicts may arise with co-teaching, so seek guidance from your administration when needed. Methods of Co-Teaching There are many models of co-teaching. Co-teachers need to find the best methods that work for them. The least effective models are One Teach/One Observe and One Teach/One Assist, which … Read More
Virtual Champions
TL;DR: Teachers are virtual champions in 2020 by adapting to constant changes. A teacher’s dedication to helping students feel safe with the current situation is shown through the smiles of students. One word we can describe the latter part 2020 is virtual. Since the spring of this year, education has looked different for our teachers and students. Education is going virtual to accommodate … Read More
Back to Basics with Co-Teaching: Responsibilities & Ratios
TL;DR: Co-teaching allows for increased instructional intensity by having two certified teachers in one classroom. It is important that co-teachers share all responsibilities, and for both teachers to support all students in the classroom. Co-teaching is a marriage. For better or worse, you both are stuck together through the good and the bad for the entire school year. This post … Read More
Voices at the Table
TL;DR: Both veteran and novice teachers have things they can learn from one another. All teachers should feel confident in sharing with others, as all voices at the table bring value. “So tell me what you want, what you really, really want I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna really, really, really wanna … Read More