TL;DR: Learn how one new educator learned from a strong and supportive mentor and how the learning is reciprocal. New educators remind us that education is a choice, it can bring us joy, we need to be curious, it’s an adventure, and connected teachers are stronger together. New educators remind me of my first teaching job. I worked in a … Read More
Eternal Memories Manifest Hope for the Future
TL;DR: Modeling behaviors and practices can have a long-lasting impact on those surrounding you. Model effective styles of communication, teaching and learning practices, approaches to management, and leadership qualities to have a positive influence on others. Eternal memories can manifest hope for the future; sometimes the behaviors you observe of others become a part of you. Eternal Memories: My Eternal … Read More
If You Teach ELA, Prepare to Also Teach History
TL;DR: To effectively teach English, it is important that educators also teach history. Language arts gives us the opportunity to add dimension to our students’ understanding of a specific event, idea, or person. Use historical texts to create experiences. Our students’ futures are contingent on events happening now. They can use the skills they’ve built upon as readers and writers, … Read More
Staying Social During COVID for Students With Special Needs
TL;DR: This post shares strategies for helping students with special needs to stay social during COVID. Strategies include virtual playdates, virtual field trips, virtual yoga classes, and virtual celebrations. Playdates, storytime at the library, going out to eat with friends, having family over for a birthday celebration…these are wonderful opportunities for socialization! Every family is dealing with COVID in their … Read More
The Case for Kids Over Content
TL;DR: For far too long, the scales of education tipped in favor of content over kids. It’s time we tip it back; relationships make the case for kids over content. Smiles and Frowns is an activity you can implement in your class to give each student a chance to share their voice every single day. During Smiles and Frowns, the … Read More