Ways to Stay Well in Times of Uncertainty

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Self Care Better


  • The importance of focusing on our wellness, especially in times of stress.
  • Tips to stay well and focus on yourself right now.

We are dealing with so much uncertainty right now.  We have never experienced something like this before.  They do not teach you how to deal with these situations when you sit through college education courses.  As educators, we especially feel the weight and gravity of this situation. We know what our kids are missing when schools are not open.  Meals, support, guidance, friends, feeling safe, instruction, and so much more.  It is so important that all of us stay well.

The whole world is dealing with a wave of uncertainty on a scale we have never seen before; however, we have each experienced some form of uncertainty in the past and will again in the future. It could be a job change, a cross-country move, an illness, and the list goes on. 

During these times, we need to be even more focused on our own wellness. As educators, we wear so many different hats. If we do not focus on our wellness, we will not be able to wear the many hats our students need from us.

During these times, we need to be even more focused on our own wellness. Share on X

So, what can we do? How can we make sure we are doing okay?

First, know that it is okay to feel stressed and anxious.  There are so many teachers currently feeling this way. We try to put on a brave face for our students and ease their worry,  but most of us are just as anxious and apprehensive about the next few weeks. That is perfectly normal; you are allowed to feel that way.  We do not always have all the answers, and there is nothing wrong with that.   

Connect with your PLN & colleagues. So many educators are offering their support on social media. Reach out to them. Use this time to connect with someone new and try out something you have been wanting to do. Take advantage of the educational companies that are offering full and free subscriptions to teachers affected by the quarantine. Although we will not be seeing our colleagues daily anymore, still reach out to them. You are not alone. We are all in this together. 

Keep a routine.  When you are overwhelmed and stressed, routine is key.  With most of us being at home and delivering instruction virtually, our days look very different.  Create a routine and stick to it.  

Connect with your students if you can.  We know that part of our stress comes from thinking and worrying about our students.  If possible, create ways to connect and check in. That might be by connecting with the students themselves or maybe even with parents too.  Put the instruction aside; focus on the relationships you have spent so much time building. 

Focus on the positives.  Make the best out of the situation.  Find solutions. Take this as a chance to be creative and try new things! We have been granted more time with our families, more time for that book we have been wanting to read, or watch shows you have been waiting to start. There is always a silver lining; you just have to find it!

About Andrea Kalchbrenner

Andrea is a 7th grade ELA teacher from the Chicago suburbs and Lead Ambassador for the Teach Better team. She has been teaching for over 12 years and has a Reading Masters degree. Andrea enjoys networking and sharing her ideas with other educators on Twitter and Instagram. In addition, she loves spending time with her infant son Luke, reading, and teaching dance.

About Meghan Deegan

Meghan Deegan is a 7th grade math teacher in the Chicago suburbs and the Lead Ambassador for the Teach Better Team. She has a Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction and is a Nationally Board Certified Teacher. She loves working with and connecting with fellow educators and is active on Twitter and Instagram.

Meghan loves spending time with her two dogs, boyfriend, family, and friends!