EP62: Do Students Need to Meditate?

The Staff Room PodcastBlog

In Episode 62 of The Staffroom Podcast, Chey and Pav talk about the importance of Meditation in the classroom space, and also how they have used it in their spaces this year. They reflect on some of the reasons they have needed to embed some more mindfulness in their classes, especially this year, as it has been rather challenging. Pav discusses how the activity came to fruiting in her space, and the work that Chey has done to explore the topic of meditation. There are lots of great nuggets in this episode, as Chey and Pav truly explore a topic that might be new to a lot of educators!

Learn all about Meditation in the Classroom in this amazing episode!

Chey and Pav welcome Daphne McMenemy, Primary Teacher and Managing Director of Codebreaker, Inc from Oakville, Ontario, for their 3 Enlightened Minutes Segment.

Check out Daphne in all the following spaces:

Twitter: @McMenemyTweets
Web: http://daphnemcmenemy.com/


The Drive with Chey & Pav on Voice Ed Radio: https://voiced.ca/project/the-drive-with-chey-and-pav/

Chey and Pav are a part of the School Rubric team: https://schoolrubric.com/publications/articles/perspectives/item/105-the-staffroom-podcast-with-chey-and-pav-an-origin-story



Stay in touch with Chey and Pav Through Email and Social Media

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/staffroompodcast/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_staff_room_podcast/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/StaffPodcast https://twitter.com/TheDriveVoicEd https://twitter.com/EduNeverDies

Pav Twitter: @PavWander Chey Twitter: @Mrccheney


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