A Poem for Teachers on Valentine’s Day

Teach Better TeamBlog, Self Care Better


  • Valentine’s Day is halfway through the month of February.
  • Teachers everywhere have worked hard to make it this far this year.

Valentine’s Day has arrived.

So this wonderful poem I have contrived

To acknowledge that February is halfway done,

Which means something different for everyone.


Some adore this holiday filled with love and hearts.

Kindness and goodness are what they impart.

For some, it’s a signal for winter’s end,

For the days to become longer and our sadness to mend.

Some days more than others seem rather exhausting, And we question whether it's worth what it's costing. We love our students and what we do. For much of this world, we are the glue. Share on X

Others may be longing for next month’s spring break,

The long-overdue rest for them to partake.

It might mean our students are ready to learn,

Survival is no longer the primary concern.


Knowing we are closing on the school year

Could even generate some fear.

We have so much to do that we haven’t done!

Is there even time for us to have fun?


[scroll down to keep reading]

Our year has been tough for everyone involved.

But we all persevered and did our best to solve

The endless need for staff to be covered,

The battles over books, masks, and sickness have hovered.


Some days more than others seem rather exhausting,

And we question whether it’s worth what it’s costing

We love our students and what we do.

For much of this world, we are the glue.


Remember this as we look at the date,

Considering our circumstances, we have done great!

Hold strong fellow teachers; you can endure.

You are amazing, of this I am sure.


Happy Valentine’s Day!

About Nikki Piercy

Nikki is a 6th-grade reading teacher in Central Illinois. Prior to teaching middle school, Nikki taught 3rd and 4th grade. In addition, Nikki is a Digital Content Editor with the Teach Better Team. She graduated from Illinois State University with a bachelor’s in Elementary Education in 2006 and a master’s degree in Teaching and Learning in 2016.

She is passionate about fostering a love for reading in all students. One of her main goals is to bring diverse and relevant literature into all classrooms.

Nikki loves to spend her free time reading a good book while cuddling with her cat and dog. She also enjoys spending time with her daughter. They love to thrift, explore new foods, and go on adventures.