131. Season 4 Premiere: New Ideas + More of the Good Stuff

Lindsay LyonsBlog, Time for Teachership Podcast, timeforteachership

What started as a series has generated a lot of enthusiasm from listeners and unit dreaming guests alike...So, unit dreaming episodes will be a regular feature of the show. Share on X

Wow, we’re entering the 4th season of this podcast! Each year, it has evolved to better your listening experience. I’m so excited to tell you what’s coming in the new season! 


More Unit Dreaming 


What started as a series has generated a lot of enthusiasm from listeners and unit dreaming guests alike. Additionally, the department teams I work with for my Curriculum Boot Camp events always crave more examples of unit outlines. So, unit dreaming episodes will be a regular feature of the show. I plan to start with one per month, and we can always expand from there.


For more “What does this look like in action?” support around unit planning and building, my YouTube channel has a “Unit Planning in Action” playlist dedicated to designing sample units. If 5-minute walkthrough videos of examples is your thing, check it out! 


If you like a good challenge, follow or connect with me on LinkedIn, where I share a #UnitDreaming spark at the start of each week. Add a comment to tell me how you would build the spark into a unit or coach a teacher to build a unit around the spark. Or use it as a private journal prompt and develop what Dr. Gholnecsar Muhammad calls “curriculum fluency.” (Here’s our episode with Dr. Muhammad.) Don’t worry about missing previously posted #UnitDreaming sparks, you can check out all of the past sparks here.   


More Guests


Now that I have a walkthrough/mini tutorial-style YouTube channel, I would love to make more space for the brilliance of guests on the show. Many guests record 4-6 months (or more) in advance of the episode air date because there’s so many awesome people to interview. 


Furthermore, I have declined to interview prospective guests because of my narrow focus on curriculum design during season 3. While I will continue to focus on things that will really move the needle for you within the topics I specialize in, I also want to bring back a focus on student voice and co-creation in the realms of unit design, yes, but also on “voice” in classroom discussions as an instructional practice as well as “voice” in co-creating school policies and participating in school governance alongside adults (which is my research background).      


More Flexibility 


I also want to be less rigid in my scheduling. I used to alternate solo shows and guest episodes in an every other week cadence. This season, I want to create solo shows as I have something important to share, and not feel like I need to record a solo show just to fit the schedule I made. This may mean some months have 3 solo shows and others have none. We’ll see how it goes! 


I want to hear from you! 


What do you think of this plan? Nothing is set in stone. (See “More Flexibility.”) And ultimately, I want this podcast to be as helpful as possible to you! I know there are podcasts I listen to that I think “I want more solo shows from the host!” and others where I want more guests. So, tell me what your ideal ratio of solo:guest shows are, share the topics or questions you want to be addressed. Feel free to reply in the comments or send me an email at [email protected]


Just so you never miss an episode…make sure you click or tap “Follow” on your favorite podcast platform. Thanks for continuing on this beautiful ride with me. Here’s to Season 4! If you haven’t heard yet, you can find much more of the good stuff on my YouTube Channel!

If you’re looking for more details on the ideas in this blog post, listen to episode 131 of the Time for Teachership podcast. If you’re unable to listen or you prefer to read the full episode, you can find the transcript here.


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