How Does Your School Team Determine Priorities?

Steven WeberBlog, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better

TL;DR: Determine your school’s priorities by having clear collective commitments. Have a plan for the implementation of your goal(s). Determine how you will measure growth. Reflect on what is being omitted in order to focus on your goal(s). Celebrate when you reach your goal(s). Determining School Priorities In schools around the world, a common practice is the development of a … Read More

Circle The Wagons: Embracing Conflict

Steven WeberBlog, Connect Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Having productive debates and conflicts can help teams move beyond the status quo. This can be difficult because, unlike the corporate world, teachers have little time within the day to collaborate. Constructive collaboration is necessary to move teachers forward rather than avoiding conflict because it is easier. Show me which topic or issues cause your school staff to “Circle … Read More

Buy-In vs Collective Commitments

Steven WeberBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better

TL;DR: Sometimes school leadership teams wait to get buy-in before completing an action. Waiting for buy-in can cause delays in implementation. Collective commitment means putting the kids first rather than forming an adult-centric school. Waiting for Buy-In When principals or school improvement teams attempt to implement a new program or initiative, it is common to hear the phrase, “We will … Read More

Who Owns Your School’s Narrative?

Steven WeberBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Principals and school staff should search social media on a regular basis to analyze the message(s) students, families, and stakeholders are sharing about the school and its image. Learn how to positively contribute to that narrative by having a plan and including many voices. Communicate enough positive messages on a regular basis so that a negative post won’t ruin … Read More