Why You Should Focus on Small Classroom Victories

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Innovate Better, Manage Better

Focus on Small Classroom Victories

Are you focusing on small classroom victories? Teaching can be exhausting, and it can seem like a futile endeavor at times. The amount of work that goes into a single day or unit of instruction is tremendous, without a necessary guarantee of student success. So when a unit is finished, or a hard day is done, it’s easy to look … Read More

Why You Need Standards Based Grading in Your Classroom

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Innovate Better

Let’s Make This Simple: We can pretend that because we are teachers we should have autonomous and authoritative control over everything that goes in our grade books, and that we should get to decide how we grade, what our grade books look like, and what is represented in them. As you clutch your grade book against your chest protectively, I’m … Read More

1 Simple Way to Motivate Students

Chad OstrowskiBlog, Innovate Better, Manage Better

1 Simple Way to Motivate Students in Your Classroom

Motivating students is probably one of the hardest things we do as teachers. Delivering content is meaningless without a student motivated to learn and apply it. During our workshops this is one of the most common topics that come up. While this is usually in the context of Mastery Learning the general advice I give us universally applicable to any instructional model. … Read More