Hey, guys. Today I want to talk about something that can really reduce management issues in your classroom, and that I work with teachers on constantly, and that’s how we approach students to resolve conflicts, to redirect them, and to manage their behavior in a way that doesn’t cause additional conflict. So, there are two ways you can go up … Read More
What Is Competency Based Learning?
Competency Based Learning (CBL) is gaining popularity and has been growing as more schools, districts, and educational systems realize the many benefits it offers. Called by many names and crossing over many initiatives, including: Mastery Learning, Personalized learning, Formative Assessment, and Differentiation, competency based learning can truly help educators meet the needs of all students. This also begs that we understand … Read More
7 Ways to Increase Student Success
As you read this you probably have a lot of ideas floating through your head about the amazing learning activities you’re going to experience with your students. Whether it is an idea you read about in an article, something a colleague of yours has tried, or an awesome PD session you’ve attended, it’s time to put those concepts into action! Regardless of … Read More
Stop Saying You Don’t Have Enough Time! (Video)
Trust me, I get it. I’ve been there. Changing your instruction, or implementing something new into your classroom, is not easy. It takes time. But if it is valuable enough and is going to increase the impact on your students learning journey, don’t tell me there’s not enough time. Put the time in now, because the payoff you’ll get later … Read More
What Motivates Students?
There is a question that I’m getting more and more at workshops and trainings and that is “how do I motivate my students to work?” I hate to break it to you, but there is no “magic bullet” solution to this. Every student is going to have their own solution to getting motivated. However, there are some things you can ask … Read More