EduGladiator, Marlena Gross-Taylor, looks to inspire all of us in “the arena” of education. She helps us to see the beauty in “letting plates fall” and being perfectly imperfect.
No matter what leadership title she may have or have had, Marlena is a teacher first, and she shares some incredibly powerful advice for not just new teachers, but all of us.
Episode Highlights
- 2:37 – Marlena introduces herself.
- 3:53 – Marlena’s failure.
- 10:31 – Marlena’s success.
- 16:47 – What’s got Marlena excited about education right now.
- 19:52 – Why it’s so important to stay relevant.
- 22:03 – Marlena’s advice for new teachers.
- 29:07 – How to connect with Marlena.
Marlena’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool: FlipGrid
- Book: “The Pepper Effect” by Sean Gaillard and “Fully Charged” by Julie Adams, PJ Caposey, and Rosa Isiah
- Who to Follow: Paul O Neil (@PaulONeill1972), Rachelle Dene Poth (@Rdene915), Colleen Skiles (@cskiles80), Dennis Griffin Jr (@D4Griffin3), Brendan Fetters (@BrendanFetters), Kasey Bell (@ShakeUpLearning), Lou Hayes (@LouHayesJr)
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: EduGladiators YouTube Channel,,,
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Make time for yourself. Whatever that looks like, make yourself a priority.
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: Never say “I can’t,” only that “I can’t yet.”
Links to Connect With Marlena
- Website: and
- Twitter: @mgrosstayler or @edugladiators
- Facebook Page: Marlena Gross-Taylor or EduGladiators
- Facebook Group: The Arena
- Instagram: @edugladiators
- YouTube: EduGladiators