My Favorite Moments from the Past 100 Episodes (Time for Teachership Podcast)

Lindsay LyonsTime for Teachership Podcast, timeforteachership

I'm so excited for this episode where I dive back in and do a review of the past 100 episodes in a very short period of time. Share on X


We did it! 100 episodes later, the Time for Teachership Podcast is still here and stronger than ever. Thank you to all my listeners, all who are new to this community and all who have been here since day one. In this blog post, I will be sharing all the links that connect to the references I made in episode 100. Enjoy!

My top episode recommendations and their categories
Episodes on mindset/culture of coaching:
Ep 1: Creating a Culture of Coaching with Romain Bertrand
Ep 4: Learning as Leading
Ep 10: What is Teachership
Ep 2: Getting Started with Personalized PD
Ep 29: Instructional Coaching with the GROW Model
Ep 31: Co-creating Observation Look Fors

Episodes on Wisdom
Ep 5: Shifting from Assimilationism to a Multilingual Habitus with Kholood Qumei
Ep 83: Inclusion as a Process with Kevin Schaefer

Episodes on Discourse
Ep 45: Safety is at the Core of Discourse with Dr. Cherie Bridges Patrick
Ep 13: Talking to Young Kids About Racial and Social Justice with April Brown
​Ep 25: Building a Flexible Curriculum That Regularly Embeds Current Events
Ep 30: How to Teach for Justice When the Facts Don’t Seem to Matter
Ep 90: Designing a Unit Around the Dobbs v Jackson Decision

Episodes on Shared Leadership in Action:
Ep 32: Inclusive Campus Leadership Teams with Taryn Givan
Ep 43: Creating Structures for All Stakeholder Voices with Darcy Fernandez
Ep 55: LfJ Series: Inclusive Data Streams: How Do Our Students Experience School?
Ep 56: LfJ Series: A Justice Centered Process for Justice Centered Policies: How to Create Shared Governance Structures
Ep 57: LfJ Series: Normalizing Critical Reflection: An Adaptive Leadership Approach to Data Analysis
Ep 8: How to Do a Root Cause Analysis

Episodes on Planning
Ep 79: How to Use the Work Less Teach More Planner
Ep 38: Curriculum Series 2: Developing a Course-Long Rubric
Ep 41: Curriculum Series 5: Establishing Reusable Unit Arc

Episodes on Curriculum in Action
Ep 24: Using Music to Teach for Justice with Christopher Schroeder
Ep 27: Developing Students’ Criticality with my Media Critique Project
Ep 42: Who Tells Your Story?

​Episdoes that are Truly Powerful
Ep 34: Teaching Poetry? Take Away the Rules with John Littlewolf
Ep 66: Be Fearless and Teach With FIRE with Mark Taylor
Ep 76: Human-First “Withness” with Jaz Ampaw-Farr

​Episodes with Student Voices
Ep 52: Listen to the Students with Rachel Tugutu and Eliel Koudognon
Ep 59: School That is Fun and Interesting with Choices and Freedom with Guille, Eden and Nico from LearnLife Nature Hub
Ep 71: Genuinely Valuable Members of an Intergenerational Learning Community with Skylar, Rhys, Amelia and Sam from Springhouse

Episodes on Bold Visions
Ep 58: Vitality Centered Education with Dr. Jenny Finn
Ep 80: “Think About What Kind of School You Really Want” with Dr. Kevin Ahern
Ep 81: “We Have an Education Debt” with Abbie Korman
Ep 95: How to Facilitate District-Wide Teacher-Led Curriculum Development with Dr. Steven Weber


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