How can I implement the Grid virtually?

Teach Better TeamBlog, GRID FAQ, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Mastery Done Better

TL;DR: Implement the Grid virtually by creating a daily routine, setting expectations, making the Grid easily accessible, keeping it simple, using videos, keeping yourself organized, assessing students in a variety of ways, and communicating with stakeholders often. Adjusting to a new learning structure can take time for you and your students. Give yourself grace as you and your students adapt … Read More

How do you structure class while using the Grid?

Teach Better TeamBlog, GRID FAQ, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Mastery Done Better

TL;DR: Structuring class time while using The Grid Method involves incorporating a warm-up and time for goal setting, a mini-lesson, conferencing, wrap-up, and reflection. Tasks assigned to students should be relevant, meaningful, and allow them to take ownership of their learning. For folks new to The Grid Method, one of the things they struggle with most is trying to understand … Read More

How do I monitor student progress?

Chad OstrowskiBlog, GRID FAQ, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Mastery Done Better

TL;DR: When implementing a Grid, it is important to have a plan to monitor student progress. There are many ways to utilize your progress monitor, including creating small groups, planning intervention, identifying gaps or areas for growth, peer-to-peer tutoring, targeted questioning, or planning instruction. Prepare to monitor student progress by building the right culture and enhancing your progress monitor. “Knowing … Read More

What are some implementation strategies as I get started?

Rae HughartBlog, GRID FAQ, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Mastery Done Better

TL;DR: Some implementation strategies for The Grid Method include starting small and having a supportive network of colleagues to lean on. Allow students and stakeholders time to process this shift in your classroom and allow opportunities for them to provide feedback. With any new idea in the classroom, we must think through all of the details. Sometimes I feel like … Read More