Episode 137: In AWE of Shannon McClintock-Miller-Radiance Series

Sarah JohnsonIn Awe Podcast

Shannon McClintock Miller is an international speaker, consultant and author who has a passion for education, librarianship, advocacy, technology, social media and making a difference in the world and lives of others, especially children.  Shannon serves as the preschool-12th grade district teacher librarian at Van Meter Community School District in Iowa. She currently serves as the Future Ready Librarians  Spokesperson … Read More

Jolt 95: Awe Inspiring Moments-Radiance Kickoff

Sarah JohnsonIn Awe Podcast

Sarah kicks off In Awe of Radiance with our guiding quote and an illustration from her own life of how she has learned to radiate through challenge and embrace the light from those around her. Connect with Sarah Johnson: Sarah’s Website Sarah on Twitter Sarah on IG Sarah on LinkedIn Sarah on Facebook In AWE Podcast Subscribe to Sarah’s Podcast … Read More

Balancing Book Bans

Suzanne RogersBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better

TL;DR: Book bans pose challenges for teachers, requiring them to navigate policies and laws while balancing their responsibilities to students. Teachers should familiarize themselves with school policies and relevant laws to understand their options and responsibilities when facing a book ban. Staying informed about current events and book ban developments, preparing alternative materials, advocating for students, and using book bans … Read More

Mental Health Awareness: 3 Key Ways to Be There for Students

William AndresenBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Students need to feel visible and cared for. Say “hi” to each student, by name, every day. Educators who do this will create a small, but tangible and meaningful reminder for students that they are visible and cared for. Cheer students on. As educators, we have a wonderful opportunity to show up, demonstrate our interest in them as people, … Read More

Be a Leader

Susan JonesBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: As a teacher, you are already a leader in your classroom, but there are more opportunities for you to lead within your school district. It’s important to avoid falling into a routine and to constantly evaluate and revamp your teaching methods to fit the needs of your current students. Leaders are not afraid to try new things and share … Read More