Hey, Y’all, we’re back with a brand new episode! In this episode, I discuss the importance of Latinx representation within the teaching field. My guests, Jon Carlo Dominguez and Isaiah Soriano are two Latinx teachers in New York City who are very passionate about this issue. I hope you enjoy the episode! MORE EPISODES
38 – my trash to martin’s treasure
discounting the gifts + talents we have been given harms our self-confidence and value. shift your mindset towards the positive. take it from me, i learned quite the lesson after finding myself wanting to discard a creative piece and would have missed an opportunity to bring someone else joy. MORE EPISODES
FROM THE ARCHIVES: Curriculum Series #5—Establishing a Reusable Unit Arc
We’re getting into unit arcs in #5 of my Curriculum Development Mini-Series. Unit arcs are considered the backbone of units that are student-centered and grounded in justice. In order to make it work, you need 3 to 5 purposeful protocols. What kind of protocols you ask? Click play to find out more! Liked this episode? Rate, review, and share! … Read More
Episode 48: Self Care Talk W/April Moody-Jennings
Hey, Y’all, we’re back with a brand new episode! In this episode, I discuss self-care and its benefits with April Moody-Jennings. Ms. Jennings seeks to be a voice for racial justice for women of color in education. In addition, she is a digital creator who creates mindful and self-care resources to help women navigate daily stresses. I hope you enjoy … Read More
FROM THE ARCHIVES: Curriculum Series #4—Crafting a Compelling Driving Question
Today, I am discussing an element of project-based learning that is often overlooked – how to craft a compelling driving question. I break down the differences between essential and driving questions, I give examples of each, and a checklist or the standard of what is needed. When you are creating a driving question, I recommend a minimum of 5 … Read More