High school English teacher, Jeremy Rinkel, chats with us about being student focused and allowing student creativity to grow, and why we sometimes need to do whatever it takes to “change their mood.” Jeremy shares the power of sharing what you’re doing in your classroom, his return to focusing on relationships, and why reflection is so important. Episode Highlights … Read More
84: Hello Mrs. Harwick – Haylee Harwick chats with us about investing the things that will actually help your students, utilizing a failure to fuel success, and why she is obsessed with podcasts in her classroom.
5th grade teacher, Haylee Harwick, chats with us about investing the things that will actually help your students, utilizing a failure to fuel success, and why she is obsessed with podcasts in her classroom. Haylee shares what it’s like being from a family of teachers, the importance of valuing the relationships you build on social media, and why you should … Read More
83: Wannabe Teacher – Kathleen Trace chats with us about motivating new teachers, changing the narrative around teaching, and pushing through fear.
High School English teacher, and author, Kathleen Trace, chats with us about motivating new teachers, changing the narrative around teaching, and pushing through fear. Kathleen talks about the importance of changing the perception of being a teacher, the excitement of seeing changes in education, and why it’s great to not know all the answers. Episode Highlights 1:44 – Chatting with … Read More
82: Driving a positive culture – Daniel Finn chats with us about earning respect, building relationships, and driving a positive culture in your school.
Vice Principal, Dan Finn, chats with us about earning respect, building relationships, and driving a positive culture in your school, and shares how he views the potential impact we all have when it comes to helping each other impact students Dan talks about the power of reflection, the importance of balance, and how consistency and humility will help you continue to … Read More
81: Empower Everyone – Lynn Colón and Adam Welcome talk about being intentional, why you need to tell your story, and the importance of believing students CAN succeed.
“Empower Our Girls” co-authors, Lynn Colón and Adam Welcome, chat with us about their journey to writing the book, and why it’s not just about empowering girls, but empowering everyone. Adam and Lynn talk about the power of mentors and connections, helping others overcome their insecurities, being intentional, why you need to tell your story, and the importance of believing … Read More