Let’s Get Social! 4 Steps to Getting Started on Social Media as a Teacher

Rae HughartBlog, Innovate Better, Tech Better

4 Steps to Getting Started on Social Media as a Teacher

In This Post: Getting active on social media is another step in building a well rounded network. The first step in getting started on social media is deciding what platform is right for you, and making an account. It’s important to decide how you plan to utilize social media; personally or professionally. Twitter has grown into a great platform for … Read More

69: Building Heroes- Bruce and Erin Umpstead chat with us about helping students see that . they’re on a hero’s journey, and working together to find The Great American Epic.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Listen to Episode #69 of the Teach Better Talk Podcast with Bruce and Erin Umpstead.

Brother/Sister duo, Bruce and Erin Umpstead, join us to chat about blending the classics with progressive movements, allowing students to experience life through reflection, and showing kids that they are each on a hero’s journey. Erin and Bruce share a look into their “Great American Epic” project, how they have been podcasting with students, and why we should look to … Read More

68: Conductors of Our Classrooms – Jeff Bradbury chats about listening to our audience to understand their needs, and how you can teach like a WWE Superstar.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Listen to episode 68 of the Teach Better Talk Podcast with Jeffrey Bradbury

 Jeffrey Bradbury, educational podcaster and founder of TeacherCast, chats with us about podcasting to help give educators a voice, why he loves using the medium to connect educators and grow together, and how you can start podcasting, too. Jeffrey shares his story of building multiple podcasts over the past 9 years, how you can teach like a WWE Superstar, … Read More

67: Physical Literacy – Michael Jennings chats with us about giving our students more movement tools in their movement toolbox.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Listen to episode 67 of the Teach Better Talk Podcast with Michael Jennings.

Physical education teacher, Michael Jennings chats with us about giving our students more movement tools in their movement toolbox, teaching the whole child, and the importance of truly loving what you do. Michael shares why he believes physical literacy is so important beyond just a grade, how he has worked to be more than “just a P.E. teacher,” and why … Read More

66: Culture and Creativity – Kelly Croy discusses why we need to focus on creation over consumption, and how good and bad days all come down to a cultural experience.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Listen to episode #66 of the Teach Better Talk Podcast with Kelly Croy

Director of Innovation and Instruction, Author, and the host of the Wired Educator Podcast, Kelly Croy, chats with us about his 28 years in education, why he believes in inspiration, and how good days and bad days all come down to a cultural experience. Kelly discusses why we need to focus on creation over consumption, gives us a preview of … Read More