I’m flying solo for Episode 51. Join me this week for a time to reflect and to look forward into the new year. I’ll share my goals, successes, shortcomings, and what I’m looking forward to as we turn the page on the calendar. That, plus your #PepTalk and more on this week’s show. MORE EPISODES
Discover Your Potential: An Educators Guide to 90 Day Goals
TL;DR: Setting goals and using journals may seem daunting at first. By establishing this routine with your goals, you can make adjustments and celebrate your successes along the way. The saying goes knowledge is power, but it’s really only potential until it’s applied. To discover your potential, you’ll have to change how you think about and set your goals. New … Read More
Developing Agency in Students
TL;DR: As educators and parents, we need to develop agency in our kids. Help them set goals to work towards. Give them opportunities for independence. Build their self-confidence. The start of a new school year is a very exciting time for students, teachers, and parents. For many, it’s a bustling time for last-minute summer fun activities. In addition, preparations are … Read More
Show 74: Summer Goal Setting; Summer PD Series 1
Summer time is for rest, relaxation, and recharging our batteries at teachers. However, summer is also a great time to reflect, set goals, and think outside the box. Matt and Ken breakdown their goal setting strategies and how it has made major impacts on their teaching over the years. It is the perfect time to think with a clear head … Read More
Spring is Here! 4 Tips to End the Year Strong
TL;DR: Spring has arrived! It’s time to brainstorm what we can do as educators to end the year strong. Tips to end the year strong include setting goals, going outside, taking pictures, and reflecting. 4 Tips to End the Year Strong Flowers. Rain. Sunshine. Warmth (with maybe a snow flurry here and there if you’re in the Midwest). All signs … Read More