Winning Streaks

Steven WeberBlog, Lead Better

TL;DR: Build winning streaks in each learner by using formative assessments, providing time for metacognition daily, and making adjustments to instruction. These “winning streaks” will provide students with the ability to succeed not only this school year, but in life. During the pandemic, most students and educators focused on what was lost.  It is human nature to face a crisis … Read More

Reinventing Student/Teacher Conferencing in 2021

Kristen KoppersBlog, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better

TL;DR: The purpose of conferencing is generally to discuss a student’s strengths and weaknesses. A structure for effective conferencing with large classes is shared. Questions to ask during conferences can include: What are your questions? In what way can I help you? What will you improve on? Unfortunately, while I had some great teachers in the past (both K-12 and post-secondary), … Read More

Criticism: Destructive, Constructive, or Instructive?

Alex T. ValencicBlog, Connect Better

TL;DR: There are three main types of criticism: destructive, constructive, and instructive. Destructive criticism tears down; constructive criticism builds together, and it identifies a problem and offers solutions. Instructive criticism adds on to what someone knows. Let me start by sharing four related facts you may not know about me.  I am hard-of-hearing. There are times that I literally do … Read More

Ep. 20: Allure of Labels | Starr Sackstein | Multiple-Choice

Tom SchimmerThe Tom Schimmer Podcast

In Don’t @ Me (1:34) Tom shares his thoughts on why (now more than ever) people use labels to undercut the credibility of those with whom they disagree. Then, Tom is joined by Starr Sackstein (10:48) to discuss her assessment journey and her quest to go “gradeless.” Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:05:24), Tom explores when multiple-choice is an appropriate assessment … Read More

5 Quick Tips For HyFlex Instruction

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Manage Better

TL;DR: HyFlex instruction is when teachers provide in-person and online learning experiences simultaneously. Tips for HyFlex instruction include being simple and authentic, checking in with students, using the chat feature, keeping the meet on during independent activities, making eye contact with learners, and providing ongoing feedback. Always Learning As I scrolled through Twitter this week, I stumbled across a term … Read More