Edcamp-Style Faculty Meetings

Steven WeberBlog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Originating in 2010, Edcamp flips traditional conferences by allowing attendees to choose session topics, fostering engagement and shared learning. Encourage problem-solving, resource-sharing, and collaboration among educators, elevating teacher voice and promoting ownership of learning. Staff propose and vote on topics, fostering engagement and addressing relevant issues. This participant-driven approach fosters trust and respect, crucial for teacher retention and professional … Read More

What If We Had Engaging Meetings?

Bobbie FrenchBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: It’s important to prioritize our time with staff during meetings to connect, grow, discuss important issues, and allow for collaborative decision-making. Be intentional with how you structure meetings. Flip the staff meeting and share information ahead of time via email, Flipgrid, Smore Newsletters, Padlet, or a Google Document with hyperlinks. Offer an opportunity for teacher voice through the Amplify-Sunset-Create … Read More