Episode 154: Educreators & Entrepreneurship with Jeff Gargas

Darrin PeppardLeaning Into Leadership

How do I start my education side hustle? Educators, creators, side-hustlers unite right here as I sit down with Teach Better COO Jeff Gargas. We are talking edupreneurship and sharing insights, tips, and hints to launch or enhance your work of sharing and building your business. That, plus the weekly #PepTalk on this show! MORE EPISODES

5 Steps to Prepare for Your Teacher Side Hustle

Jeff GargasBlog, Connect Better, EDUcreator, EDUpreneur, Innovate Better, Teacherpreneur Better

TL;DR: To start a teacher side hustle, identify your audience, build trust, and create valuable content to succeed. Build an email list and community that trusts you. Identify your target audience and their pain points. Create and nurture content that addresses these pain points to build your future teacher side hustle. I was reflecting on a conversation I had with … Read More

College vs. Entrepreneurship? Who Wins in 2021?

Teach Better TeamBlog, Differentiate Better, Lead Better

TL;DR: College and entrepreneurship both have benefits and serve different individuals in different ways. The cost and benefits of both college and entrepreneurship need to be understood. For a functioning society, both college and career-ready individuals need to be supported and valued. College vs. Entrepreneurship As the job market continues to expand and more and more people are quitting their … Read More

6 Steps to Start Your Edupreneur Journey

Jeff GargasBlog, Innovate Better, Teacherpreneur Better

TL;DR: Using your strengths and skills as an educator to start an entrepreneurial journey. Finding your passion, planning, building a team, forgetting perfection, reflecting and adapting, and committing are 6 simple steps you can take to become an edupreneur. I’ve been saying it for quite a while now: educators make awesome entrepreneurs. You’re built for it. You’re passionate, driven, educated, … Read More

8 Tips for the Part-Time Teacherpreneur

Jeff GargasBlog, Innovate Better, Teacherpreneur Better

8 Tips For The Part-Time Teacherpreneur

Being a teacherpreneur can be exciting, scary, and nerve-racking all at the same time. Building something from scratch can take some time. As a teacher, your passion is in the classroom, which means you’ll most likely start off as what we call a sidepreneur, or someone who is an entrepreneur “on the side”, meaning on the side of their full-time … Read More