The Case for Kids Over Content

Megan BaldufBlog, Connect Better

TL;DR: For far too long, the scales of education tipped in favor of content over kids. It’s time we tip it back; relationships make the case for kids over content. Smiles and Frowns is an activity you can implement in your class to give each student a chance to share their voice every single day. During Smiles and Frowns, the … Read More

A Missing Ingredient

Elijah CarbajalBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better

TL;DR: The missing ingredient to strong classroom management is building healthy relationships. Building relationships with students takes time. It won’t happen overnight, so be patient. Create positive relationships is a whole class effort, but it ultimately starts with you. The Worst Advice and the Toughest Year When I was in college I was told by multiple professors in the education department, … Read More

Building Classroom Community in a Virtual World

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better

TL;DR: Strategies for building classroom community in a virtual world include using a user-friendly online platform, teaching expectations, utilizing breakout groups, assigning roles, creating goals, having a plan for students to seek assistance, providing opportunities for communication, and celebrating successes. Learning environments are crucial for providing students with opportunities to exercise their strengths and to overcome their weaknesses. A school … Read More

Building Relationships Online

Alex T. ValencicBlog, Connect Better, Tech Better

TL;DR: You can build relationships online just as effectively as you can in person. Online relationships can be formed despite the barriers of time and distance. The relationships you build online can lead to long-lasting friendships. Build meaningful relationships with students in an online learning environment the same way you build connections online with colleagues. Building Relationships Online Started Early … Read More

How can I facilitate class discussions and group work?

Andrea KalchbennerBlog, GRID FAQ, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Mastery Done Better

TL;DR: Class discussions and group work can still be a part of a Grid Method classroom. Use your tracker, or progress monitor, to form groups for discussions or group work. The Grid Method provides opportunities for students to become leaders in the classroom. At first, using The Grid Method can seem like such a radical shift to your classroom structure … Read More