Are you just surviving Valentine’s Day?

Rae HughartBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better

Are you just surviving Valentine's Day?

It may be Valentine’s Day, but what does that actually mean for an educator? In This Post: Valentine’s Day, like any holiday, brings its own special set of challenges for teachers. You can choose to simply survive Valentine’s Day, or focus on still connecting your content and engaging your students. Providing opportunities to share happiness is one way of connecting … Read More

Three Steps to Help Students Build Reading and Writing Lives

Teach Better TeamBlog

3 Steps to Help Students Build Reading and Writing Lives

Are your students reading and writing just for compliance? In This Post: Too many students read and write simply because the rules say they have to. This should change. We need to transform schools: From students following rules that benefit adults, to students pursuing readerly and writerly lives. We need to create a space for open dialogue with our students. … Read More

3 Common Flexible Seating Styles

Rae HughartBlog, Innovate Better, Manage Better


In This Post Flexible seating has become a highly talked about new style for updating your learning environment. There is no one-size-fits-all plan or style for flexible seating. Three common styles of flexible seating are: The Dabbler, The Safe Bet, and The Extreme Flexible Seating has been a commonly discussed idea within the past decade. However, each educator has seemed … Read More

Find Your Tribe – A conversation with two new teachers about building your PLN

Erin HealeyBlog


In this post: Suan Jachymiak (@msjachymiak) and Erin Hall (@erinhall47) share their different experiences building their Persona/Professional Learning Network (PLN). Susan has utilizes Twitter, and Twitter Chats, to form a massive virtual network that has helped support her first year as a teacher. Erin took a more local approach, starting YES RI and connecting young educators throughout Rhode Island. Regardless … Read More

Give Students a Voice and Teach Them to Build a Better World

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better

Give students a voice and teach them to build a better world

In this post: We are crafting the future leaders of our world, what do we need them to be able to do? If we’re not asking our students what they need, we’re missing opportunities to be better. Feedback can be scary, but it can also be incredibly valuable. You can’t put every suggestion into practice, but you can listen, learn, … Read More