TL;DR: During the interview process, teacher candidates deserve compassionate conditions through which their competence and character may be revealed. Some ways to show compassion are: provide details before the interview, set a welcoming and positive tone at the beginning of the interview, make it visible that you are listening, close the interview by asking if the candidate has any questions … Read More
Connect Better with Voxer
TL;DR: The diffusion of innovation is often used to describe the different phases of adoption of new technology. Voxer is not actually a social media platform but rather, a communication tool intended for a private group. You will learn how to get started with using Voxer. Tips and tricks on how to use Voxer efficiently will be shared. The Diffusion … Read More
Getting the Most Out of Twitter
TL;DR: There are multiple social media platforms to choose from. Determine what your needs are and use the app that will fit that best. Discover 4 tips for getting the most out of Twitter: (1) determine who is worth following, (2) find a way to collect the tweets you want to come back to, (3) engage in Twitter chats, and … Read More
The Balance
In this Post: Creating balance between structure and student freedom. Reflection from stepping back to facilitate and guide. The beauty of freeing yourself from constant classroom regulation! Back to School Reflection As I go back to school, I have been enjoying my reflection on the drastically different teaching experiences I am encountering. I have been thinking about what I am … Read More
Increasing Efficiency in Leadership
In this Post: A leader who practice useful efficiency techniques often finds that they are more productive. One of the easiest ways to prioritize is to make a “to-do” list. Block out time for your high priority activities first and protect that time from interruptions. If you’re having trouble getting started, you may need to do some prep work such … Read More