Do Kindergarten Crafts Really Make a Difference?

Faigie KobreBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Teach Happier

Traditional, copycat crafts have long been the norm in most early childhood classrooms and kindergarten classrooms, despite not having any educational or developmental theories to support them. What can be wrong with these adorable, sometimes intricate projects that have have been sent home from preschool and kindergarten classrooms for as long as any of us can remember? Meeting students where … Read More

Unlocking Creativity: National Arts in Education Week

Suzanne RogersBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Arts education boosts student engagement, literacy, and aspirations. It fosters a positive school environment with fewer disciplinary issues. There is no negative effect on standardized test scores, dispelling myths about arts programs. Let’s unlock the power of creativity! When surveyed by the nonprofit organization Americans for the Arts, members of the U.S. public overwhelmingly agreed that the arts are … Read More

The Artist in the Classroom

Aaron ElseBlog, Innovate Better, Lead Better

TL;DR: So many people perform their job like an artist. Their skill is unreal. Notice the beauty around you. Notice people performing their jobs like they have mastered an art form. Stand back in awe at the talent you are surrounded with. Have you ever seen someone so good at their job that you just stand in awe? We often … Read More

Choose Your Play for Summer Days

BreAnn FennellBlog, Self Care Better

TL;DR: This summer, step out of your comfort zone and try some new ways to play! This post shares some new ways to choose your play this summer, including CrossFit, yoga, gaming, and art. Summer is finally here this week for our school district. Let me tell you, I need some play! Play looks different for people. I know a … Read More