65: Relationships Over Content – Wilkie Law chats with us about his unique journey to becoming a teacher, and why we need to cherish the human side of people.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Listen to episode #65 of the Teach Better Talk Podcast with Wilkie Law III

Math skills specialist, and c0-founder of the LED Project, Wilkie Law III, chats with us about his unique journey to becoming a teacher, the importance of understanding a person before we judge, and how his struggles in school taught him a valuable lesson. Wilkie shares a powerful story about one of his students, why he teaches relationships over content, and … Read More

Mind full or Mindful?

Teach Better TeamBlog, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Manage Better

In this Post The reality of a mental health day (MHD). Take steps to better your mental status through 10-15 min of purposeful you time. Daily reflection is key. Build in supports to make each day manageable. At certain points of a school year, you may hear someone talking about taking a mental health day (MHD) – you may have … Read More

47: Being Coachable – Steve Diveley chats with us about his work with the AIMS Network, how we can question ourselves for the purpose of improvement, and the importance of being coachable.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Listen to episode 47 of the Teach Better Talk podcast.

Junior high principal, and AIMS Network President, Steve Diveley, talks with us about finding positive people to be your lifeline and asking for help when you need it. Steve chats with us about his work with the AIMS Network, how we can question ourselves for the purpose of improvement, and the importance of being coachable. Episode Highlights 3:05 – Steve … Read More