EP54: Do We Need to be Prepared for the Stigmas of Covid-19?

The Staff Room PodcastStaff Room Podcast

In Episode 54 of The Staffroom Podcast, Chey and Pav talk about the stigma of having Covid-19. As a response to an incident that hit close to home, Chey and Pav discovered that there are some unintended consequences to teaching face-to-face during the Coronavirus Pandemic. One of these situations surrounds the scenario of stigmas that get associated with students that might have had Covid-19.

Chey and Pav read some really great articles that talk about the mental health issues surrounding being diagnosed with Covid-19, and how to deal with people that might feel alienated and ostracized by their peers because of this. In our case, we apply these strategies and ideas with our students. Chey and Pav discuss being careful and intentional with language with students. Words certainly matter. They discuss the need for us as teachers to be informed with the virus and ensure that students are aware of how it is spread.

Chey and Pav introduce Beth Lyons, Teacher-Librarian in the Greater Toronto Area, for their 3 Enlightened Minutes segment. Beth talks about the importance of connecting with staff and students as a Teacher-Librarian, and the role of support staff in the school during such a difficult time in face-to-face teaching, especially when so many districts do not have the privilege of having access to their Libraries.

After the 3 Enlightened Minutes segment, Chey and Pav wrap up by providing a few more strategies on how to help their students be more tolerant, accepting and knowledgeable with Covid-19 and how they treat their peers in the case of an infected student. There are many opportunities to address the trauma and mental health issues that might surround the stigmas of having Covid, or being exposed as well.

Article: https://www.camh.ca/en/health-info/mental-health-and-covid-19/stigma-and-prejudice

Remember to Inspire, Don’t Require, always be a Humble Servant, and Education Never Dies.

You can Check out our 3 Enlightened Minutes Guest, Beth Lyons at:

Twitter: @MrsLyonsLibrary


The Drive with Chey & Pav on Voice Ed Radio: https://voiced.ca/project/the-drive-with-chey-and-pav/

Chey and Pav are a part of the School Rubric team: https://schoolrubric.com/publications/articles/perspectives/item/105-the-staffroom-podcast-with-chey-and-pav-an-origin-story



Stay in touch with Chey and Pav Through Email and Social Media

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/staffroompodcast/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_staff_room_podcast/


Pav Twitter: @PavWander

Chey Twitter: @Mrccheney


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