Dr. Dan Kreiness is an instructional leader, podcast host, author, and speaker. Dr. Kreiness has worked in education for over 17 years as a school administrator, instructional coach, intervention specialist, and classroom teacher while working in districts in the New York City metro area in New York and Connecticut. Dr. Kreiness holds a doctorate degree in leadership and master’s degrees in adolescent education and educational leadership. His original research and dissertation is called “Transformational Leadership to Inspire Growth Mindset in Classroom Teachers.” Dr. Kreiness hosts the popular Leader of Learning podcast which can be found on all podcast apps and music streaming services and was ranked #7 on Feedspot’s list of the Best 35 Educational Leadership Podcasts. Dr. Kreiness is also a published author, having contributed chapters to 100 No-Nonsense Things that ALL School Leaders Should STOP Doing, 100 No-Nonsense Things that ALL Teachers Should STOP Doing, Edumatch Snapshot in Education (2017) Volume 2: Professional Practice and The EduMatch Teacher’s Recipe Guide: Survive and Thrive in the Kitchen and Beyond. He is currently under contract with Edumatch Publishing to publish a solo book.
Trench story: First experience as an administrator included toxic leadership by the principal and only lasted 8 months before mutually agreeing to leave the district. He likes to think he does a good job. First admin role was unique-Academic Standards facilitator. AP for instruction. Wasn’t responsible for supporting students. Like instr. coach- but with evaluative powers. Started ½ way thru school year 2018. Difficult adjustment-felt right away. Wasn’t hired by principal- was place @ the school. Felt like he tried his best. Personal reasons, illness took him away some too, principal didn’t appreciate it. Clashed. Principal sent him & other AP to do “caught yas” at end of semester. Forced to write t’s up. Witnessed t scolding her class- he could have had a constructive convo, principal wanted her written up.1 yr later- she reached out to him, realized it wasn’t him. He was being told how he should lead. Felt awkward. When he conducted evals, she would dictate how he should score them. Problems felt like it was his fault @ the time. Phone call with teacher gave him closure. Gaslighting- principal tried to turn the tables on him.
Highlight leadership practices to inspire growth mindset in teachers esp. as a coach. Talk about what you learned from your research. Addresses teacher resistance/reluctance. Edu changes all the time to keep up w/ future readiness. Keeps in mind 1) addresses the why around why t’s are uncomfortable. IT’s ok when implementing new initiatives not to have everyone on board. Get to root of problem. We don’t do enough to really understand why. Work alongside t. What can we do to help you along? He extracted research themes:
SCOPE. S-setting high, clear expectations C-addressing discomfort O- providing opportunities P- purpose- having everyone buy into the point of initiative E-empowering, making t feel like they’re in driver’s seat, also stands for enthusiasm.
Leader of Learning podcast – Just crossed 100,000 downloads with podcast and 100,000 views on YouTube; YouTube channel has become more popular; Podcasting + content creating. Can get into surface level of how went back to coaching after being an admin. Wasn’t 100% in it. In 2016 became instructional coach for 1st time, became a connected educator, wanted to impact more than just colleagues. His undergrad is in broadcast journalism. Over 150 episodes. Has learned a lot. Theme-addressing edu & instructional leadership from all levels. You’re a leader regardless of your title.
Ongoing writing: 100 STOP (Leaders) – stop expecting respect just because you are the leader (chapter 13); 100 STOP (Teachers) – STOP Worrying about what others will think of you. He talks about his chapter in 100 Stop Leaders- in his most recent AP experience they did a book study on “5 dysfunctions of a team”, it reads like a character book. Good for business side of leadership. You end up having an artificial harmony. Negative school culture. Launched an online course academy with a free course on “How to Build Trust as a Leader.” On Leader of Learning academy.
The EduMatch Teacher’s Recipe Guide: Survive and Thrive in the Kitchen and Beyond- the first EduMatch publication. Talk about your contract with Edumatch Publishing to publish a solo book- wrote contact 2.5 years ago still in writing process.
Out of everything? His WHY for the Leader of Learning podcast. No matter who you are or where you are, YOU are a leader of learning. Share on X
Where can ppl find you online? www.dankreiness.com www.leaderoflearning.com IG, Linkedin, Twitter, TicToc @dr_kreiness
View this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Gbm5kP2dJzQ