Dr. Rick Chromey uses historical insight and cultural inspiration to empower audiences to rethink and reimagine how they lead, teach, pastor and parent. With over 30 years of training experience, Dr. Chromey is a sought after speaker both nationally and internationally, He has also penned over a dozen books on leadership, culture, history, classroom management and creative communication, including his most recent book “GenTech: An American Story of Technology, Change and Who We Really Are.” Chromey enjoys collecting antique technology, pop culture, watching baseball, riding his motorcycle, traveling and writing. He lives with his wife Linda, and adorable dog and an ornery cat in a small town outside of Boise, ID.
Trench story: Has taught 30 years. 15 years at univ. level. He’s seen highs and low. Was a Christian univ. professor. Got his doctorate in 2007. Became an executive director, recession hit. His job didn’t really fit. Was unemployable, 45 y.o. & overqualified. Was completely out of education for a while. Didn’t get back into academia FT. Reinvented self as author & speaker. Started non-profit in 2017. Did training. Does speaking for American Cruise Lines on Lewis & Clark trail. Got a M.A. in Oregon Trail history. Things have just happened. If you do the right things, right things happen.
How do you motivate students authentically and honestly? How do you motivate learning naturally? it’s his heartbeat message to t’s, admin. He was “king of gimmicks” for a while. Looked at craft of teaching. Looked at G.R.O.W.L.S. Internal needs- Glasser’s Control Theory. Studied internal needs. G-Grace deep down we all want some grace R-relationship we have to have positive, productive in Cr. they all work together: O-ownership choice & being in control W- worth- we want to be valued, have accepted vision. Focus on these needs to grow your CR. L- laughter we want to be in entertaining environments S- security- we want to feel emotionally, physically secure. Watch emotional climate in the classroom.
Why do children and teens act up and act out? if you don’t fulfill these needs. Start by being aware as a teacher. He subs and thinks about these needs to start with. This guy’s fun. Learn student’s names right away. They’ll be drawn to you.
What are the four leadership styles? How do they cooperate and create conflict? Part of his study across the year. Why am I? He turns it around into teaching styles, game show host. Look at ppl psychologically-they break down into either active or passive personality. They lean 1 way or the other. You could have ideas that bounce around. 4 area matrix- emotive (game show host type of teacher), They’re able to inspire. Other side- the chef- they’re active, mission-oriented. They see the process, plan, they love order & structure. Passive- stage manager- backstage but have script in hand, wants you to stay on script. Emotive passive- the counselor. Use the emotional side. They don’t like risk, failure, trouble. Could put a game show host in same CR as a stage manager teacher. together they’ll fill each other’s strengths, also in co-teaching environment. Students may have opposite learning styles.
He talks about book Gen Tech (2019). It can start a conversation where people will also buy the physical book. He’s a cultural historian, studied generations since 1980. Millennials were being born then. 1991 book “Generations” described the subset born since 1982. 1995- put name on next generation (Z). You can’t give them a name until you see the characteristics. Gen X got “slapped” on our generation.
What are the characteristics of the Net Generation (born since 1990) and their implications for employers, educators and other organizational leaders?
What are the characteristics of the iTech Generation (born since 2000) and their implications for employers, educators and other organizational leaders? They were being influenced by particular tech. It’s not a demographic, it’s the tech you come of age to.
What are the characteristics of the Robo Generation (born since 2010) and their implications for future employers, current educators and other organizational leaders? He doesn’t put the generations back to back. That HAIR technologies- holographic,AI and robotic tech. Education will be framed around the way education is changing.
How are these generational labels different than Gen X, Y, Z? He’s looked at cultural shifts for his doctorate. Generation isn’t more than a micro shift. These names framed by tech are more understandable. It changes how we educate, like holographic tech. It’s not what you remember, it’s what you don’t remember. His book goes until 2055 when the Robo Generation comes of age.
How does the pandemic increase the likelihood for these shifts to happen? As a historian, you look for patterns. He doesn’t think there’s been “fast tracking”. He didn’t expect a virus to “fast track”. We’ve been moving towards a wholly digital culture since 1980’s. He wants to inspired hope. We need to rethink education- think about cheating on tests, graduating and finding answer from peers, it’s ok to collaborate w/ peers. Used it as a teaching moment to network and find the answers. St’s need to think critically.
Out of everything…Scratch your niche. Discover who you are. Think small today. Small is going to be tall in post-COVID culture. Share on X(like at Starbucks). PLC, small insights, discoveries.
Where can ppl find you online? www.rickchromey.com can come to school to do a workshop. www.mannasolutions.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rickchromeyspeaker
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drrickchromey/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dr_Rick_Chromey
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoXjDFeB-2ZcQmsOeISJq-A
Can order autographed books from his website.
Here’s a LINK for your copy of GenTech: An American Story of Technology, Change and Who We Really Are. Your code can be redeemed at www.getmybook.com. Each unique code is only valid once and you have 14 days to download the book once you use the code. The ebook can be downloaded on your preferred eReader device.
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View this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/BGZ4vfXRFAA