Do Kindergarten Crafts Really Make a Difference?

Faigie KobreBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Teach Happier

Traditional, copycat crafts have long been the norm in most early childhood classrooms and kindergarten classrooms, despite not having any educational or developmental theories to support them. What can be wrong with these adorable, sometimes intricate projects that have have been sent home from preschool and kindergarten classrooms for as long as any of us can remember? Meeting students where … Read More

Curating Your Positive Self-Talk Playlist: A Guide for Educators and Student

Laura McDonellBlog, Connect Better, Reflect Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Curate a positive self-talk playlist to shift your mindset, much like Rachel changes the car radio station. Use affirmations, achievements, and visual inspiration to create an uplifting “station” to turn to when negativity strikes. Teach students and educators how to model positivity and build resilience through this powerful habit. Whenever I drive my daughter, Rachel one thing never changes: … Read More