Episode #97: Jethro Jones

Dana GoodierBlog, Out of the Trenches Podcast

Jethro Jones, the 2017 NASSP Digital Principal of the Year, is a former principal and host of the Transformative Principal podcast. He is also the founder of The Center for Cyberethics, independent, non-partisan educational institute dedicated to the study and promotion of cyberethics, and author of the book, SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves!

Jethro currently consults schools and districts on redesign efforts that don’t seem like another program. Jethro has worked as a principal at all K-12 levels, including a prison school, a district coach, distance learning team lead, and English teacher.

Visit Jethro’s website at: https://www.jethrojones.com/ and follow him on most social channels @jethrojones


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