TL;DR: Build winning streaks in each learner by using formative assessments, providing time for metacognition daily, and making adjustments to instruction. These “winning streaks” will provide students with the ability to succeed not only this school year, but in life. During the pandemic, most students and educators focused on what was lost. It is human nature to face a crisis … Read More
Building a Runway for Student Success
TL;DR: Teachers and administrators need to build a runway to ensure student success in the 2021-22 school year. Assessments, interventions, social and emotional learning, and priority standards are among many things that need to be considered for the upcoming year. W.I.N. time provides daily or weekly time for academic interventions, enrichment, or tutoring. Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the … Read More
How Can Schools Build a Roadmap for the Future?
TL;DR: As school teams begin to build a roadmap for the future, they should identify priority standards and learning targets. It is also important that they establish common formative assessments. The strongest instructional plan is based on the needs of the learners and the experience of professional educators. “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get … Read More
Developing a Quality Curriculum
TL;DR: Develop a quality curriculum by identifying desired outcomes, unpacking the standards, identifying transfer goals, and prioritizing curriculum development. A quality curriculum can become the constant in schools, rather than a variable determined by each teacher. When school districts commit to clarifying the curriculum, each student will have a greater chance of success as he/she enters the next grade level. … Read More
The Three Stages Of The Pandemic
TL;DR: We can develop multiple scenarios and begin to recover from the devastating effects of COVID-19 on education. Use surveys, focus groups, SWOT analysis, and questions to drive the work of educators during all three stages of the pandemic. As teachers and students continue the second semester of the 2020-21 school year, there is uncertainty about the learning environment, student … Read More