Moving to Dynamic Learning

Matthew JosephBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Tech Better

Moving to Dynamic Learning

In This Post: We need to create classrooms where students are the ones defending and explaining their ideas, rather than regurgitating facts. We need to make projects, and classrooms in general, more dynamic. Tech tools, such as Seesaw, Flipgrid, and others, can be used to make ordinary experiences more dynamic. This only works when combined with the endless creativity and … Read More

Digital Citizenship: Is Your School R.E.A.D.Y. to be Good Digital Citizens?

Matthew JosephBlog, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Tech Better

Digital Citizenship - Is your school ready to be good citizens_

Are your students ready to be good digital citizens? Todays’ students are using technology to collaborate, learn, research, and communicate while at school. Blended and personalized learning with digital tools has flooded classrooms, but most teacher-prep programs do not incorporate digital citizenship as requirements for teacher certification. This leads to a cross roads of districts pushing digital learning into schools … Read More