6 Edtech Tools for Fast and Easy Differentiation

Eric GuiseBlog

Episode 147

GotTechED the Podcast    

Episode #148: 6 Edtech Tools for Fast and Easy Differentiation

Welcome back to GotTechED the podcast this is Episode 148 called “6 Edtech Tools for Fast and Easy Differentiation”. In this episode, we’ll talk about 6 of our favorite sites that actually make it possible to differentiate your classroom materials.  In a bonus intro segment, we’ll also go over some of the new Canva Magic Studio tools that are leveling up the use of AI in this already excellent website.  This is another episode you don’t want to miss, check it out!

Segment 1: Updates

  • What’s going on?
  • Bye Bye Jamboard
  • Some current news – new Canva Magic Studio AI Tools
    • Magic Video – checkbox images/clips you want and type “make a birthday video for _”
    • Magic Switch – Your team is working in a collaborative whiteboard space and then magic switch it into a Canva doc
    • Magic Write – like chatgpt, just in canva
    • Magic Media – essentially dall-e.  describe what you want and canva creates the image OR video.  Their example is vibrant jungle city
    • Magic Expand – extend a picture beyond it’s borders
    • Magic Grab – move elements around within a photo with click and drag ease
    • Magic Morph – describe how you want an element to change (see below)
In this episode, we’ll talk about 6 of our favorite sites that actually make it possible to differentiate your classroom materials. Share on X

Segment 2: 6 Sites for Fast and Easy Differentiation

Differentiation: Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs

Differentiation can happen at many levels: content, assessment, so on

  1. Diffit – leveled resources for all
    1. Use cases: sub plans, ESL, IEP’s
  2. Rewordify.com 
  3. Hyperdocs.co.  Use this link to check out their samples
  4. Room Escapes – no longer a heavy lift because Chat GPT can design them for you (At least a start)
  5. Quizizz lessons – more than just a gamification site.  Now you can build slide decks with questions embedded at various points.  Students can view them synchronously or asynchronously
    1. Quizizz Champion
  6. Eduprotocols – EduProtocols are instructional lesson frames that are designed to engage students in learning through critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity.  EduProtocols can be used with any subject, any grade level, kindergarten through adult.

Segment 3: Where to Find GotTechED

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