Mid Year PD Book Recommendations for Your Reading Block

Eva MirelesThe Reading Teacher's Playbook Podcast

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Share two professional book recommendations for this time of year. Teachers are lifelong learners and as such you are always on the lookout for books and skills to add to your toolbox.
I talk about:
-Thinking through when to add new tools to your teacher tool box
-Adding read aloud with accountable talk to your whole group instruction and what book to guide you
-Varying your small group instruction and what book to guide you
-Read-Aloud with accountable talk was such a game changing addition to my reading block.
-Now that you’ve figured out how to navigate the basics of guided reading you may have noticed that not every student actually needs guided reading, but you’re not quite sure what to do next.
-If you’ve gotten your mini lesson down to 15 minutes and you are able to get guided reading groups on most days then you might be ready to add more tools to your whole group and small group instruction tool box.
Links to resources mentioned in the podcast:
Book a discovery call for one on one coaching or school PD
Books Mentioned In Podcast (affiliate links shared below):
Past Episodes Mentioned:
Next Steps: If this episode resonated with you, take a screenshot of the episode and tag me on instagram @msevamireles.
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